Bible Study: Incorporating Great Works of Art


  • Discuss the role of art in communicating religious and spiritual themes.
  • Introduce the idea of exploring the Bible through great works of art and how they can provide insights into biblical stories and themes.

Part 1: Creation and Fall

  • Show participants a painting or sculpture depicting the story of creation and fall, such as Michelangelo’s “The Creation of Adam” or Masaccio’s “The Expulsion from the Garden of Eden.”
  • Read Genesis 1-3 and discuss how the artwork depicts the biblical story and what insights it provides into the nature of God and humanity.

Part 2: The Life of Jesus

  • Show participants a painting or sculpture depicting a scene from the life of Jesus, such as Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper” or Caravaggio’s “The Calling of St. Matthew.”
  • Read a passage from the Gospels that relates to the artwork and discuss how the artwork deepens our understanding of the story and the character of Jesus.

Part 3: The Passion and Resurrection

  • Show participants a painting or sculpture depicting the passion and resurrection of Jesus, such as Rembrandt’s “The Raising of Lazarus” or Michelangelo’s “The Pieta.”
  • Read a passage from the Gospels that relates to the artwork and discuss how the artwork conveys the emotional and spiritual aspects of the story and what insights it provides into the nature of God’s love and grace.

Part 4: Faith and Life

  • Show participants a painting or sculpture that depicts a biblical theme related to faith and life, such as Vincent van Gogh’s “The Good Samaritan” or Marc Chagall’s “Jacob’s Ladder.”
  • Read a passage from the Bible that relates to the artwork and discuss how the artwork provides insights into the nature of faith and how it can inspire us to live out our faith in everyday life.



