Category: Uncategorized
Types of Small Groups
Small group ministry is a growing trend in evangelical churches, with a variety of different types of groups to choose from. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the most common types of small group ministry in evangelical churches today. Bible study groups are one of the most common types of…
Bible Study Outline: The Holy Spirit
Objective: To gain a deeper understanding of the role and importance of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers. Introduction: Part 1: The Promise of the Holy Spirit Part 2: The Role of the Holy Spirit Part 3: The Fruits and Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Bible Study Outline: The Trinity
Objective: To explore the biblical concept of the Trinity and gain a deeper understanding of God’s triune nature. Introduction: Part 1: The Doctrine of the Trinity Part 2: God the Father Part 3: God the Son Part 4: God the Holy Spirit
Bible Study Outline: Salvation
If you want to explore the theme of salvation through the bible, we’ve created an outline that goes through all of the most important elements, with key scriptural references. Introduction: Part 1: The Problem of Sin Part 2: The Solution: God’s Grace Part 3: Faith and Repentance Part 4: Justification and Sanctification
8 Weeks in the Epistles (Small Group Outline)
This study will explore the epistles in the New Testament, with a focus on understanding their historical context, literary features, and theological themes. Week 1: Introduction to the Epistles Week 2: The Letter of James Week 3: The First Letter of Peter Week 4: The Second Letter of Peter and the Letter of Jude Week…
8 Weeks on the Apostle Paul (Small Group Outline)
We’ve created an 8 week study that will explore the letters of the Apostle Paul, with a focus on understanding his life, ministry, and theology. This is a very broad outline that can help you in your small group planning. Week 1: Introduction to Paul and his Letters Week 2: Galatians Week 3: Philippians Week…